It IS possible to make a lot of money in a short time on the internet. Do you know how? Let's look at the seven "secrets" that can help assure you success on the internet! 1. Keep it Simple. Your site should be interesting, informative, simple and produce ACTION on the part of the visitor. Your website should really only do TWO things: produce a sale and/or capture an email address. Fancy graphics, differenct fonts, and colors can be difficult for the reader.
Also, a lot of "bells and whistles" can slow down the loading of your webpage, causing your visitor to LEAVE. Keep it simple, make it fast loading and make the sale or get the email address. 2.
Make use of auto responders. Most of the time, you will NOT make a sale on the first visit to your website. That is why you MUST capture the email address so you can follow-up. But NOT manually-use an auto-responder. An auto responder is a systematic way to send folow-up emails to those who did NOT buy on their first visit to your site. Once an auto-responder system is set-up, it can easily and effortlessly follow up for you.
There are many good autoresponderers such as Aweber or Get response. Do a search for "auto responder" to find them. See what successful marketers are using and follow suit.
3. Use an URL that is easy to remember: An URL is a Uniform Resource Locator or the words you type in to find a website. Usually the shorter the better. If you are using an affilaite website, you may want to register a separte, simple domain name and then just use an URL redirect to forward visitors to your website.
4. Make it SIMPLE for your customers to pay. The days are long gone when a customer will get an envelope, address it, put a check in it and mail it to you. Over 90% of all online business is done with e-commerce, using credit cards.
You can use Paypal, Google Checkout, Clickbank, etc 5. Bring more credibility to your site with testimonials. If you have satisfied customers, ASK them to send you a testimonial(with a pic if possible.) and then put those on your webpage. If you are NEW in business and do not yet have testiomonials, be creative to get some-GIVE your product or service to some friends or a fellow internet marketer to TEST for you.
Ask for their HONEST feedback. If you have a good product or service, you should have no trouble getting 3-5 testiomonials very quickly. 6. Add a phone number.
For many reasons, if you add a phone number to your website, it adds tremendous credibility. You have several choices here-YOU can answer the phone yourself(many times that is the BEST way-at least during business hours) or you can have a recorderd message, or you can HIRE a service to answer the phone for you. But by giving a phone number, you send the message that you are a REAL business and as such, you will be treated as one. 7 Make it PERSONAL.The internet can make business seem very COLD and impersonal. But YOU can change that by adding a bit of YOUR personality to your website.
Add a picture of YOU to your website. share some of YOUR passions, etc. People want to do business with a PERSON not a COMPANY. You are looking to create a relationship with your customers, so let them get to know YOU! There you have it, By following these 7 secrets, you are on your way to becoming a wealthy marketer!.
Starting an internet business is fun and profitable if you follow these "secrets!" For more info, visit: Wealthy Marketer